Grounded Organics FAQs
How much do you charge for shipping?
Shipping on anything over $19.99 is free. Anything under that amount is a flat rate of $5.99 regardless of where you're at in the US.
How long does it typically take for shipping?
I'm located on the West Coast. Shipping to the East Coast takes between 4-6 business days, so that should be the longest it should take to receive your product. I will have everything packaged and in the mail within 24-48 hours of receiving your order.
What is your refund/return policy?
My main concern is the satisfaction of my customers. If you're unhappy with your product you received, please send me an email asap. I will take care of you. I know you work hard for your money, so do I, and we both deserve to be satisfied with what we spend it on. One thing I ask is to not get blasted on social media for a refund. I can't stand when people do that. All you need to do is shoot me an email explaining what's going on and I'll make it right. That is my promise.
Are these products legal in my state?
No, there are still states in the US that enjoy living in the stone ages. We don't ship to ANY state where kratom is illegal.
Are there any adverse health benefits?
Please do your own research and contact your physician before starting on any new supplement regimen. I provide some information on my site, but it's still up to you to research and make sure these products are right for you. I make no claims on here, just my personal opinion and experiences. There are claims of heavy Kava use causing some liver issues. But do a little more searching, and you'll find that these reports have been debunked and were bogus. My point is, there is a ton of info out there, some good and some bad, so please be careful what and where you get your info. I have yet to find negative health issues on the Akuamma Seeds.
Where does your product come from?
Everything is sourced fresh from the farm where it originates. I don't use a middle man, I get my product straight from their source!